Friday 18 March 2016

Fantasy Adventure With Monkey Tell

Summary: Monkey in Mind
A high octane adventure of a Thought Monkey
This is a tale about a Thought Monkey called Monkey Tell whose task it is to deliver thoughts to people and who he must help to fulfill those thoughts to completion. However, Monkey Tell as he calls himself after the legend William Tell has to face the challenges of the Elfins with their Mirrors of Distraction, who take people off in different directions and so result in them not taking their thoughts on board, which could change their lives. Monkey Tell is a Red Thought Monkey or a Metal Monkey.

Monkey Tell in this story has to shoot these chosen people with his arrows of golden thoughts so that they can accomplish their dreams. Join Monkey Tell on his adventures through the tangled processes of thoughts and distractions which human beings face in life every day.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Happy World Book Day 2016

Download a Free Novel "Travelman" for World Book Day 2016.

Happy World Book Day 2016

Download Travelman for Free on the 3,, 4, 5, 6 March.

Travel Man is an ordinary man with the ability to travel through time, space and dimensions 
solving crimes and having adventures. He escapes his enemies and has the most thrilling adventures in his quest to find his destiny.

Yes, I am Travelman, with the ability to cross the boundaries of Time and Space, to be able to experience life to its very fullest.
I am Travelman with the freedom of living in all the dimensions known and unknown to man.
I am Travelman, my adventure is just beginning and so can yours, if you only unlock the freedom of your imagination.

Earth Welcomes A New Superhero Travelman.

Author's request: Please leave a Book review, Thank you.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Debut Novel "Bound Free"- Free on 28, 29 November 2015

"Bound Free" my debut Novel will be Free on the 28, 29 November 2015.

Logan has a boundless imagination. He can travel through time and space. Logan needs to travel to his destiny. He needs to save the world and himself from being destroyed. Can Logan break the chains which bind his mind and body? Logan is pursued by an assassin, which is in his own imagination. 
Why must we all be bound in chains to our present lives? A tree is bound to the earth it stands on. A tree is bound to one place in time. Does a tree have an imagination? No, you and I do. 
The good men who rode to hang me were doing it to make sure that they would be now protected by the same notorious men who they feared, but they needed to show their support, there was no way out. 

“You must learn to see without your physical eyes. 
You must learn to see, feel and experience the world with your other senses. 
Learn to free your mind and use your imagination to move over time, space and through the lives of others. 
Your imagination will free you from the world you inhabit and you will be free to move anywhere you desire and to change any situation with the limitless powers of your mind. 
The Universe, the stars, the planets will be your guide.”

Thursday 3 September 2015

Real Estate Investing Sucks: How to Find, Hire, and Manage Contractors-the Right Way

Want to Spend Less Time Working on Homes to Fix up?

Are you struggling to maintain your real estate investing business while fixing up your properties? Are you a buy-and-hold investor? Or are you a rehabber trying to sell your homes for retail?

Perhaps you're a wholesaler and have run into a few bumps along the way. Maybe you thought you could sell the home with minimal work, only to find out you have to do more to make it marketable. Or maybe you've been trying to do all the work yourself, but have found that you are burnt out?
Look no further--help is available. Welcome to the world of hiring contractors.

As real estate investors, we think in terms of buying homes and putting deals together. But what happens when we actually have the deal and have closed on it? Then what?

For buy-and-hold investors, rehabbers or retailers, and even wholesalers, you may have to put in some work to fix up the properties you buy or control to get them ready for the market. Sure, you can learn all this fix-up stuff yourself. But there's a difference between reading about doing something, especially when it comes to using your hands for fix-up jobs. This is called experience and it is priceless.

In this book, you'll learn another route that can help you with your real estate investing business. And that is learning how to find, manage, and hire contractors...the right way.

With over a decade of experience in real estate investing, Rachel Hernandez, also known as Mobile Home Gurl, will share with you the steps she took to get out of her rut to find, hire, and manage good people for her fix-up jobs.
Inside you'll learn the following: 
  • The Benefits of Working with Contractors

  • Finding and Interviewing Contractors

  • Meeting and Hiring Contractors

  • How to Tell the Difference Between Good Contractors and Bad Ones

  • Negotiating Rates and Evaluating Estimates

  • Managing Contractors

  • Paying Contractors

  • Firing Contractors When Things Don't Work Out

  • Looking for More Contractors

  • When to Do the Work Yourself

How to Change Your Mind and Improve Your Finances

If you want your financial realities to change, you need to change your mindset. Otherwise, no amount of money is going to get you out of debt. The more money you make, the more debts you rack up. It will be like you are a rat running on a treadmill; you are simply running in place. Financial freedom and financial comfort are all about changing your mindset. This book will tell you what to do to improve your mindset relating to debt.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Last Stop Klindenspiel and Amanda's Love

Combining the survival instincts made famous in THE HUNGER GAMES with the intensity of THE BOOK THIEF, LAST STOP KLINDENSPIEL is a tightrope of horrors that will make readers think twice about running away to join the circus… 
It’s been eight years since the Second World War has ended – long enough for people to forgive and forget – but feelings of hate run deep in Norway against people like fifteen-year-old Katya Holberg and her family.

Amanda loves Barry. From the moment she first saw Barry, she knew their love would transcend the ages. Nothing would keep them apart, not even the fact that Barry was a biological and Amanda was not. They would find a way to make their love work. 
But then the trollop, Sydney, entered into picture, putting her man stealing hands all over Amanda’s love.